PickBazar Documentation
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Update & Upgrade Guide
Laravel UpgradeVPS UpdateStep 1: Setup Git - ServerStep 2: Shut Down Current ProcessStep 3: Local Repository & Updated CodeStep 4: Update APIStep 5: FrontEnd Project BuildStep 6: Upload Frontend & RunExisting Project Update
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PickBazar Update - Virutal Private Server

If you follow this Virtual Private Server docs to host your site, then follow this documentation to update PickBazar to a new version.

To build the frontend you've to update the API first. But before that this time, we'll use git and GitHub to make upload and download relatively easy.

Step 1: Setup Git - Server

This step is only for first update. From second update start from Step 2

At first, we've to install git on our server and config it.

Install git

sudo apt install git

Config for first time

git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
git config --global user.name "Your Name"

Make sure you change you@example.com and Your Name with your email and name.

Prepare Git Repository

At first, go to your pickbazar directory on your server,

cd /var/www/pickbazar
  1. Then initialize a git on that folder,
git init
  1. Create a new .gitignore file
nano .gitignore

and paste this code to that .gitignore,

# See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ for more about ignoring files.
# dependencies
# testing
# *~
# misc
# If Packages have their independent repo
# /packages
# ignore log files

After that, save that file and use this command for the initial commit,

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create a separate branch to maintain the updated code.

git branch pickbazar

Git & Github

  1. At first, go to https://github.com/ and create an account first. If you already have an account then Sign In on that account.
  2. Then create a new repository, GithubRepo.png
  3. After creating the repository you'll get a page like this and from this page copy the second command block and go to your server using SSH & terminal, GitRemote.png

And paste that copied command to pickabazar folder and press enter

It'll ask your GitHub username and password, provide your GitHub username and password


Your existing repository is successfully connected with GitHub.

Step 2: Shut Down Current Process

At first use this command to shut down all the applications for update,

pm2 stop 'all'

Step 3: Local Repository & Updated Code

In this step,

  1. Clone that GitHub repository to your local computer
  2. Download update package from CodeCanyon
  3. Open your terminal and clone that repository to your computer
  4. Checkout to pickbazar branch
git checkout -b pickbazar
  1. replace repository file with downloaded pickbazar-laravel folder content.
  2. Then use this command to add all files to git
git add .
git commit -m "Update PickBazar API"
  1. Merge new code with main branch
git checkout -b main
git merge pickbazar

In this step, you'll face a merge conflict issue. Make sure you resolve all the conflicts to maintain your customization with the updated code. You can check this video about resolve merge conflict.

After resolve and commit, push the code to GitHub.

git push origin main

Step 4: Update API

In this step, go to your server terminal and go to /var/www/pickbazar directory and pull all updated code,

git pull origin main

After pull go to api folder,

cd api

and install composer package and optimize compiled file,

composer install
php artisan optimize:clear

With that updated API will be installed. To check go to your YOUR_API_DOMAIN/products

Step 5: FrontEnd Project Build

Typescript requires a huge chunk of memory to build the project, so if your server has at least 8gb+ of memory, then you can build the project on your server directly. If not, then build the project on your server, then move the folder to the server then serve the project. We'll do the second method in this tutorial.

We'll suggest you build the frontend part on your computer and then move the build file to the server using git and github.

Go to your local git repository using terminal.

Config Next Admin App For /admin Sub Directory

Edit admin/rest/next.config.js,

add basePath for '/admin'



Edit admin/graphql/next.config.js,

add basePath for '/admin'


Install & Build

go to your root folder again

Clean previous build file,

yarn clean

To install all the npm packages run this command,


Build the project

For REST api

yarn build:shop-rest
yarn build:admin-rest

And for GraphQL,

yarn build:shop-gql
yarn build:admin-gql

Upload to GitHub

Use this command to add all files to git,

git add .
git commit -m "Build frontend"
git push origin main

Step 6: Upload Frontend & Run

At first go to your server pickbazar or git folder and use this command to pull all the build file,

git pull origin main

Then install all the node packages,


Run frontend app

Use this command to run frontend app as PM2 again.

pm2 start 'all'

Now go to Now, go to your YOUR_DOMAIN to access the shop page and YOUR_DOMAIN/admin for the access admin section.