PickBazar Documentation
WelcomeHow It Works
Available Scripts & Command
How Can I use this app
Demo Deploy
Flash Sale
Shop Transfer
Social LoginOTP (Mobile Number Verification)WalletEmail ConfigurationEmail VerificationSubscribeTerms and conditions
SEO and Analytics
Real-time Notification
Multilingual & Translation
Third-party Integrations
Back-End Integration
Update & Upgrade Guide
FAQ PageContactQuestion & AnswerBreaking ChangesSupportChange Log

For support, Please open a ticket in the support forum


There are some basic requirements for our application so that support team can help you quick such as,

  1. Asking queries regarding feature that is already implemented in the application
  2. Following recommended configuration, environments & server which you need to met first before you proceed with installation, deployment in your server to receive support.
  3. Support query need to be within Envato item support policy. (https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy)
  4. You should maintain only one support ticket at a time. Creating multiple ticket can cause unexpected delays.
  5. Ticket should provide as much details as possible related to the issue such as screenshot, video explanation, access, how to reproduce, environments, if any changes or customisations are made etc

During working days our ticket response can take 24 hours to 48 hours depending on the volume of tickets pending prior to your ticket . We follow Envato Item support policy https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy to provide standard support for our items