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Configuration Commands For .env file

We have introduced a new Pickbazar command line interface (CLI) for better installation experience. .env file is a very important for any Laravel application. By using the new Pickbazar CLI users can easily add/modify the .env variables.

If you want to configuration your .env file by the command line then you can continue.

If you use docker then you need to use sail instead of php.

php artisan marvel:helpAbout application and all command information.
php artisan marvel:installInstalling Marvel Dependencies.
php artisan marvel:create-adminCreate an Admin.
php artisan marvel:seedRun first php artisan migrate:fresh then run this command php artisan marvel:seed for import Demo Data. Read this doc carefully https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/migrations#drop-all-tables-migrate
php artisan marvel:settings-seedImport Settings Demo Data.
php artisan marvel:env-setup Setup necessary config in .env file.
php artisan marvel:aws-setupAdd or Update the AWS configuration in .env file.
php artisan marvel:database-setupThis command will allowed to only mysql database setup. If you need any other database config then you can try manual process.
php artisan marvel:default-language-setupChange default language.
php artisan marvel:frontend-setupshop and dashboard URL update command.
php artisan marvel:mailchimp-newsletterFor Newsletter Configuration Update.
php artisan marvel:mail-setupGmail, Mailtrap, Mailgun ENV configuration command.
php artisan marvel:open-ai-setupOpen AI Secret Key configuration command.
php artisan marvel:otp-gateway-setupOTP SMS gateway setup in ENV file.
php artisan marvel:queue-setupChange queue connection configuration.
php artisan marvel:test-mail-sendSend an email to check the validity of credentials.
php artisan marvel:translation-enableEnable or Disable translation in the ENV file.

You can setup necessary configuration by this one command. It will give some quick access key which you want to config. Run this command and choose a option and follow the instruction.

Note: You can specify the command you wish to config using below option after this command for direct configuration.

php artisan marvel:env-setup {quick access key}

Quick Access KeyDescription
mailMail server setup (mailtrap, mailgun, gmail)
databaseThis command will allowed to only mysql database setup. If you need any other database config then you can try manual process.
newsletterMailchimp newsletter setup in .env file.
frontend-connectionFrontend URL setup (admin & shop).
awsAWS (bucket) setup.
default-languageSetup default language in .env file.
open-aiSetup OpenAI in .env file.
otpOTP SMS gateway (Twilio or MessageBird) setup in .env file.
queue-connectionSetup queue connection in .env file. (e.g. database or sync).
translation-enableEnable translation settings in .env file (true/false).
test-mailSend an email for credentials check.

Most uses Laravel commands.

Quick Access KeyDescription
php artisan serveTo start project.
php artisan config:cachechange environmental variables.
php artisan key:generateGenerate new application key.
php artisan migrateIf you want to migrate the database tables.
php artisan storage:linkCreate a symbolic link in Laravel application.
composer require Vendor_name/Package_nameInstall New packages in Laravel application.
composer updateUpdate all your packages or specific package.

Event run.

Note : Please either run php artisan queue:listen or php artisan queue:work. Because many feature has dependency on Laravel event/listener feature. If not then set QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync in .env files for completing the full functionality run.