Create New Shop
To create new shop login as an administrator
or create a new account for creating shop
After creating the account you'll be redirected to this page,
After that, click Create Shop
And provide all the information for the store
After creating the shop you'll redirect to this page,
By default, the shop will be inactive. Only administrator
can active a shop.
From administrator account go to
shopand click
tickmark to
deactivate` a shop.
After activate
the shop by administrator
the vendor
dashboard will be like this,
After click on shop
, you'll be redirected to dashboard page,
From this dashboard, you can maintain the shop,
User Roles:
Super Admin:
Super admin can do everything. the admin can maintain and edit every store on the site.
Store Owner:
Store owner can edit or main it's store, staff or payment.
The staff of a store has similar permission as store owner, but the staff can't update the store or withdraw payment.
Withdraw Payment:
Only the store owner can withdraw its payment. To do that go to your shop dashboard -> withdraws -> Request a withdraw,
After request payment, the dashboard will be like this,
After request, the admin has to be approved the admin.
After approved,
FrontEnd Shop
From frontend when customers click on the shop
page they'll get all the shops as a card list,
Also when customers click on a product they will get the seller link,
After clicking the seller link
they will redirect to the seller shop page,